Altar Serves
Aids the priest on the altar at Sunday Masses and other liturgies. Must have received their First Holy Communion. Contact Mark Montemayor at 707-425-3138.
Le ayudan a el sacerdote durante las misas de Domingo y otras liturgias. Deben de tener al menos 10 años de edad. Contactar al Susana Rodriguez al 707-425-3138.
Environment Society
This society plans and implements the seasonal decorations providing an environment that promotes spirituality for each season of the Church. Contact the Liturgy Committee at 707-425-3138.
Eucharistic Mininsters
Distributes Communion at Sunday, daily and other Masses. Contact the Liturgy Committee at 707-425-3138.
Ministerios de la Eucaristía
Distribuyen la Comunión los Domingos, misas de entre semana y otras misas. Contactar a Diana Villa al 510-520-7960.
Proclaims the Word of God at Sunday, daily and other Masses. Contact the Liturgy Committee at 707-425-3138.
Proclaman la Palabra de Dios los Domingos, Misas diarias y otras Misas. Contactar a Maria Diaz al 707-290-4825.
Music Ministry
Provides the Music that enhances our worship at sunday Masses ans other liturgies. Contact Tiffanie Lagrazon at 707-419-3988.
Diciples of Jesus Choir: They sing every Sunday at the 10:30am Mass. Contact Aladdin Castro at 707-688-4445.
Ambassadors of Praise: All male chor. Contact Aladdin Castro at 707-688-4445.
Ministerio de Musica
Proporciona la Música que realza nuestra adoración en las misas dominicales y otras liturgias.
Contactar a Carina Serrano al 707-333-3178
Sets up before and cleans up after Mass. Also keeps the sacristy and all liturgical items in order. Daily and Weekend Masses welcome. Contact the Liturgy Committee at 707-425-3138.
Acomoda lo necesario para la misa y limpia despues de la misa. Tambien mantienen la sacristia y todo los articulos de liturgia en orden. Contactar a Cirilo L. al 707-484-4436
Ushers aid the parishiones in finding seating at Mass. Takes up the collection. Helps the communion precession go smoothly. Contact Deacon Jack Davault at 707-425-3138.
Las personas de hospitalidad les ayudan a los feligreses a encontrar asiento para Misa. Recoger la colecta, ayudar a que la procesion para comunion vaya en orden. Contactar a Genaro Ochoa al 707-312-1162.