Spring Break To align our class schedule with the school district's, there will be no classes on the week of February 16, 2025. The calendar will be updated to reflect this change.
Fired Up! is February 23, 2025 at St Patrick-St Vincent High School in Vallejo This is a diocesan requirement for all year 2 students anticipating the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please complete the consent form below and drop it off at the office along with the $38 fee. Make check payable to “Holy Spirit Parish”. You may pay by cash or credit card at the office. Do not send payment to the diocese. The deadline is February 20, 2025, to allow processing. Your child will not receive the Sacrament of Confirmation without attending Fired Up! More information to follow. Circle of Grace Participation in Circle of Grace is closely monitored at the diocesan level. The deadline has come and gone but I am still accepting late submissions. Reception of the sacraments for your child(ren) will be delayed until I receive either the Opt-Out or Evaluation form. Below is the Circle of Grace packet appropriate to the school grade level of your child. Complete the evaluation form found on the last page of the packet which you may email to me. Should you decide not to participate, the Opt-Out form is there as well. You need to turn in the original form that you printed and signed.
Adult Confirmation Classes for adult confirmation begin February 22, 2025, Saturday from 11AM to 1PM in room E at 1070 North Texas St (corner of Bell Ave). Complete the form below and bring it to class along with birth, baptismal, and first communion certificates. The program ends on April 5, 2025.
In the Loop
Making Payments
You can make installments until the full amount has been satisfied.
Make checks payable to “Holy Spirit Church”. Write the name of your child on the remarks. DO NOT GIVE THE CHECK TO THE CATECHIST.
You may drop by the office during office hours or use the mail slot at the door anytime. The receipt will be available in the next class session.
Pay by cash only if a receipt can be provided at the time of the transaction. Go to the office during office hours and pay the exact amount when you can.
Go to the office during office hours to pay by credit or debit card. A receipt will be provided to you.
Office hours on Mondays is 10AM to 4PM, Tuesday to Thursdays, 9AM to 4PM, and Fridays, 9AM to 3PM. We close for lunch 12PM to 1PM everyday.
Need volunteers!
Scriptures tell us, "Many are called but few are chosen." Believe it when we say you are called even though you may not believe you are qualified. We know too well that God equips and qualifies the called (Hebrews 13:21). It simply is putting faith in action and having the humility to serve God in such a small capacity.
Be an advocate (catechist) in F3. Experience is unnecessary; a 12-hour course will be provided to get you started. Share your faith and God will take care of the rest.
Help with "Work of Tiny Hands", a hands-on and fun formation for young people, ages 5 and above. Please help with the set-up and clean-up.
Become a member of the parent committee that will set guidelines and develop the curriculum for future faith formation programs.
For parents and guardians
Be part of your child's spiritual journey and bring them closer to God. Engage your children in dialogue to kick-start relationships. Faith formation is a family affair. Read page 5 of the F3 handbook.
Do the weekly homework with your children (regardless of age) to journal just one thing they did the past few days worth being thankful for. This is used as part of our opening prayer.
Share the coming Sunday readings. It is better to read from the Bible as a family and allow everyone to share their thoughts. Use apps like Amen or Laudate or go to USCCB.org and click Calendar.
We try to give the children time to journal the one thing they learned in class but asking them after class is a great habit for lesson retention.